Thursday, December 5, 2013

Finish 2013.. 2014 come to me!

This year has been a changes year, it is because I come to live to Santiago, specifically Ñuñoa, and also I decide to be assistant student in two subjects of my career. I participated of Facso`s volleyball team, I started to raise money for travelling on January to Machu Picchu with my boyfriend, to sum up just good things. 

I don’t know if it had bad or difficult moments, Maybe some problems in my family, but  now Its solved  
I thing that I achieve my objectives, mainly participating in more academic activities, projects, class, because before I didn’t have time for doing things like this, I live in a place very far to the university. Also I learnt many new things, like cooking, washing my clothes, being responsible with the house, the money, among others, in a few words being more independent person.

Among the things I didn’t do I think this was not many. Maybe I couldn’t decide an area specific of my career, It meant to have some difficult for choosing my practice place or the kind of course I would like to continue.

How ever, even when I didn’t choose a specific line, I found I would like the coaching, it is an emerging discipline that applies to organizations and individuals to improve their competencies and achieve success both professionally and person. In fact, I am in the process of practice searching and I think I found the mine that just It had relation with this and It made me very happy

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A good friend

A good friend should be a faithful person; this is the most important for me because the friendship is support in the confidence, also he or she should be a person accompany you and who could advise you
I think to be a friendly person but only with some persons. For me there are different about that, to be friendly is not the same to be nice, for example I am very nice with all people, but it’s not mean I want to be friendly or I want they been my friends but I have had a good relationship with everybody
One of my best friends is Erick, we have been friends since 2010, when I was in a second year of my career and we met us talking by face book’s chat.
I consider He have been with me many difficult moments, always the exactly word, would be complicated to choose only one moment

One day We went to do some paperwork and then we went to eat at the mall, and when we were eating an ice cream appeared some kids with skateboards, obviously my friend wanted to skate and children lent skateboarding my friend, I just had my camera and I started record to him and they asked me: “are you brothers?” And I laughed a lot and then they said: you are alike!! This was amusing!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Environmental Conscience

I think there aren’t many spaces or place where the people can to learn about environmental practices, it is a consequence of the little conscience we have about this topic, in other words, We don’t consider the importance it for the world and our health.
However, today there are many website with useful information to disposition for the people. For example, Para estar bien is a website that gives information about the life and how live in the best manner possible. It had an ecologist orientation hence it incorporates many advices for protect the world, diminish pollution and take care of nature. I think that we should read more website with this type of orientation because always is necessary become aware of our body, mind and world.
In my case, I don’t have car and I neither need it, so I walk always and also I use the bike when the distance is more larch. Once I wanted to made a vertical vegetable patch because in my house I don’t have enough space, so It new way is perfect for to put in the windows or in the wall. Unfortunately I didn’t finish this plan, but I think now I will to restart this idea.
Also it would be important we will to take care of the energy, like the water, the light (electricity), the gas and above all, to control the garbage to classifying it for to recycle, like this we could to reduce our carbon footprint

I think it could to resolve if there existed major conscience of the importance of the natural the hearth and the life in everybody and to be better informed about that.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Machu picchu of my dreams

I would love to visit Peru where is one of world`s wonder, in fact, this next summer I will go there with my boyfriend!!! We have the ticket of airplane from Santiago to Arica, then we will travel to Cuzco by bus doing layover in Tacna, then Arequipa and finally we will arrive to Cuzco.

I want to go there because is a place very interesting by its archaeological centers, food, architecture, and because there is one of place more beautiful of the nature: Machu Picchu

This place is the holy grail of Inca monuments; the enigmatic lost city of Machu Picchu is the most famous archaeological site in all of South America. There are spectacular collection of temples, terraced hills and plazas was the mountain-top citadel of Machu Picchu

I would like to do the Inca trail, a alternative way for to arrive to the citadel, it is a travel by the jungle where the persons climb the mountain trekking an some stretch of the road is by bike, or also is possible to do rafting by the Urubamba river, I would like to do it and in the mountain I would like to do canopy or zip line: adventure activities. This would be very exciting

I think that I would go to there just like a touristic travel; in general Peru is a country where there are few possibilities to settle down.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Animals and pets

I consider myself an animal lover, but I think I am natural lover, maybe it is strange but the nature is the most wonderful in the life for me, for that I respect and take care.

When I was a kid I have many pets, cats, dogs, birds like a parrot, fishes and hamsters, but unfortunately all they died, any ill, other escaped, so I decided don’t have more animals for this reason I don’t none pet now, but I being sincere I would like to have a puppy dog. To have a dogs or cats is very common but I think it is because they are docile animal, friendly, tame and appropriate for to live with humans to difference with unusual pet like snake, spider or freak animals, because this are very boring for me, only they are there. In fact I don’t know nobody have this pets

Even when psychology can gain benefits from this with medical research, there are many damages to animals, given that most of the experimental techniques are highly invasive. Therefore, nowadays we have a huge challenge by promoting and ensuring animal wellness during the whole experimentation. In that sense also I degree with to keep animals in a zoo, I consider this fact is a show more of the human egoism for satisfy their whims, in the same way when anybody make coats and clothes with wear or other parts of animals.

Nowadays, the people should be aware that to have a pet imply to be response of them, it is the same that to have a kid, we have to care for them, feed them and raise them well, to avoid future problems taking aggressive or dangerous animals to other people.

If I could be an animal, I would be a fowl because I would like to feel the sensation of flying

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Chilean depression

This study was done by the Universidad de Concepción, it presents something pathologies common in the Chilean society. The article point out that one each three persons have or have had some king of mental illness, being the most frequent depression, anxiety and alcohol problems and substance abuse or dependence, however the emotional disorders also take up a important place in this ranking. The research difference this psychiatric pathology for type, the women are associated to depression and the men to the substance’s addiction.

The depression imply a illness where the persons can´t produce well in none life´s area so the treatment consist in a psychological therapy and medicaments for to grow levels of emotional state, the called “antidepressant”. The investigation also shows that only a third of the population with this disorder had gone to consult to professional.

Some specialist, like Ricardo Araya comment that is situation is a new challenge for our country, and the inclusion of this illness in the Plan AUGE is a great advance, because it recognizes the importance of mental health in the people. For other side, is very important according to research, identify in a early age signals for to prevent and to treat, the author says: “early intervention will be key to future success in reducing the disease burden of psychiatric problems in Chile”, in other words, we have to put attention in a critical stage, the adolescence specifically.

Finally, the article concludes saying that Chilean people present differences with other countries, but the diagnostics depend mainly of life’s style, psychological and personality factors, for example, the levels of this illness between Santiago’s people are different to Araucaria’s persons.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A first job...

I think that everybody arriving to the finish our career, we start to imagine how will be our fist job. Indeed, appear a feelings anxiety, because many times we don’t have the experience in the work setting or we don’t have enough knowledge for the real job.

First, I would like to decide my work’s area, I like sport psychology and labor psychology, specifically to do coaching. Then, I think that I couldn’t to work in a enclose space, like an office, this would be terrible for me!! Unfortunately, there aren’t many outdoor jobs, in that case it would be a difficult, but I will have accustomed or to look for other job. An important point is obviously the salary, actually it’s not bad, but I will not to work in a job where exploit or use unfairly to the people. For other side, in my opinion the most important in any job is to do with enthusiasm. I hope to love my job as much as my career. This is a quality necessary for to do a good job, the knowledge and the experience will come after.